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Fire and Ice

Fire and Ice is a blog that reviews and highlights books mainly from YA and LDS fiction. We post parental content reviews Monday- Friday. If you are an author or publisher we invite you to contact us for interviews, book trailer stills, author and event photos, promotional book tour packages, swag design and reviews

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My Ridiculous, Romantic Obsessions

My Ridiculous, Romantic Obsessions - Becca Wilhite We are giving away a copy on our site http://fireandicephoto.blogspot.com/2010/11/review-my-ridiculous-romantic.html ends 12/5/10

Sarah is a college freshman dropped off by her completely self-absorbed neglectful parents to an apartment for her first experience living away from home. Roommate one is missing a face because it is constantly stuck to her boyfriend and roommate two does not talk. Good thing there's her art history class...the reason she came to school in the first place. Best friend Chel forwarded her phone pics of the perfect TA last year and Sarah is convinced he could surely be her story book hero. So when Ben, aka Adonis, starts to show interest Sarah is confused. Surely things couldn't be as they seem. Is he or isn't he flirting?

The main heroine has flawed self-esteem and can't seen to see what is right in front of her face, which I found funny up until the very last chapters, then it got to be a bit much. She is described as smart, but sometimes I wondered. I love that Sarah is not a picture perfect Barbie doll type. She has curves, out of control curls and a quirky personality. Ben, the main male isn't perfect either, but he IS kind and genuine. I have to give him kudos for his honesty and for walking away when his affections and efforts weren't reciprocated. He is sincere and down to earth. I found myself pulling for him.

Becca Wilhite kept me thoroughly entertained and her books are titles I will gladly pass on to my daughters. Thanks so much to Shadow Mountain and Deseret Book for sending me a copy of the book for review.