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Fire and Ice

Fire and Ice is a blog that reviews and highlights books mainly from YA and LDS fiction. We post parental content reviews Monday- Friday. If you are an author or publisher we invite you to contact us for interviews, book trailer stills, author and event photos, promotional book tour packages, swag design and reviews

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Pandemonium (Delirium)

Pandemonium - Lauren Oliver Pandemonium was near the top of my wishlist for 2012 so I was super excited when Harper sent me an ARC for review. The only problem was that I just can't say I liked it :(

The first thing that threw me was the switch alternating back and forth between chapters. The entire plot goes from "then" in the wilds and "now" in the resistance, told in dual time frames. It took me a good week and a half to get all the way through Pandemonium because I just couldn't pick up momentum or excitement for the storyline.

I felt like there was a big effort to paint an extra gritty and dark look at man kind and the culture of the cured. I found the man on man violence and hopelessness of future society depressing. There weren't many twists and turns of plot- things seemed entirely predictable. So overall, in the end I can't say it was a satisfying experience for me.

Content: heavy swearing and violence, one scene of nudity